And now it's Christmas

First I thought it couldn't be September, now I think it can't possibly be Christmas - but the day after tomorrow really is Christmas. It's been quite a fall-in September on a writer's retreat in Cambridge, Massachusetts with DiLoPi - Patti Digh, Jennifer Louden, and Susan Piver, " Walking Into Fire " and in October (the weekend of the Halloween snowstorm) on retreat wiith Pema Chodron and Meg Wheatley at Omega . Me with Patti Digh All of this retreating has been great for my meditation practice-I bought the MP3's of the Pema Chodron retreat (Living Beautifully with Uncertainty and Change) and I heard Meg say that the purpose of meditation is to notice that you are thinking-I love that. My brain is a little thought factory-it just keeps right on thinking. Susan Piver and the Open Heart Project has helped me to direct all that thought to my breath-not easy but it does bring me a modicum of peace. So what do I wish for in 2012? World peace, th...