Some final thoughts about my Nicaragua trip
Now that I'm sleeping in my own bed, not doing "bug checks" at night (Dorritt was especially concerned about scorpions, and we did kill one) and showering in a real shower, I can remember the beauty of the country-here's a photo of a bandera flower, taken at the Hotel Raizon in Maysaya, Nicaragua, where we spent our first and last two nights.
What a beautiful, complex and infuriatingly "messed up" world we live in, where folks can work really really hard and still have nothing, where a beautiful country can house so many people in poverty (Nicaragua is the second poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, after Haiti). We met a woman from Ecuador who now lives in Chicago and is an environmental engineer for Texaco. She was amazed and touched that Americans would come to Nicaragua to help build houses. Kind of restores your faith in all of us, doesn't it?
Here's a "parting shot" taken at the airport in Managua. Emily, Alexa, Lauren and Becky, looking very happy to be on the way home! I don't yet know how, but I know that this trip has changed me (and all of us who went on it).
What an amazing trip! I'm sure the pictures don't do the country and people justice, but your narrative was wonderful. I'm so glad the trip was everything you hoped for and more.
Amy Billig
I couldn't agree with you more. Somehow accumulating more "stuff" doesn't seem to make any sense at all. I'm reading Barbara Kingsolver's Animal Vegetable Miracle, about the year that her family spent living off what they grew and bought locally. She talks about how it's about how much you have of something (like zucchini 8:)) and not about what you don't have. We seem to focus on what we don't have-doesn't make much sense, does it?
Have a wonderful adventure in Africa, as I'm sure you will. So sorry we missed you on this trip-hopefully we can see you in person soon.
Lots of love,