Summer is for studying....

Right?  It is for me.  I completed one on-line course (New Testament) at the University of Dubuque Theological Seminary towards my coursework to become a Commissioned Ruling Elder in the Presbyterian Church (USA) this spring. Now I'm taking two courses-Old Testament and Polity.  Everyone knows (or thinks they know) what goes on in the Old Testament class, but very few people have a clue about what polity is.

Let me just say that both my Old Testament and New Testament professors have us reading The Bible for Dummies.  This book has given me a new respect for "the dummies" series.  I have Religion for Dummies and have found that helpful; The Bible for Dummies is written by two theologians and it is good-simple and to the point.

Polity is the procedures by which the Presbyterian Church USA runs-it's what keeps us, if you will pardon the very bad pun, an "organized" religion.  Two weeks into the course and I already have renewed respect for those who organized the church in the beginning.  And I think I'm starting to understand what makes the reformed tradition different from, say Lutherans.

And if all of this wasn't enough, at the beginning of July I start fiddle lessons.  I love the summer-my first real summer off since the summer of 2007.  I know, I know, grownups don't get the summer off.  But they should.  The Europeans have the right idea.  Everyone should get at least six weeks of vacation.  It's a wonderful time for re-creation.  My meditation practice is flourishing, I'm doing sun salutations every morning (Peggy Cappy, I haven't forgotten my MDR, from two years ago at Kripalu), and I'm exercising every other day.  Is that a wonderful way to re-create?


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