Gardens, ours and others!

Spring is finally here (I hope!) and we've been out doing garden work (finally!). Although it was raining on Saturday morning, we hurried over to Westchester Community College's Native Plant Center for the annual plant sale. Got wonderful things.

On Saturday I trimmed the bushes behind the fenced in garden, set up the bird feeders and hung the hummingbird feeder. Anne planted the area behind the garage and we put up the garden ornament that Vicki and Kristine gave us (pictures to follow!).

I've been enjoying reading the blogs of my friends Sarah and Steve (links on this blog). They have been inspiring and have helped me keep my focus.

Finally, here are some pictures from the Open Gardens on Saturday.

My battery ran out when we got to the Steinhardt garden but I have really nice pictures of Rocky Hills-look at all the forget-me-nots in the picture above. We now need tons of them for our garden!

And how about this tree house-makes me want one! This is from a garden in Chappaqua.


Sarah said…
Oh boy, now *I* want tons of forget me not for our yard! We hav the perfect hill for it, too. Hmmm....
Connie said…
Yes, now we want them too. Isn't the hill beautiful?

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