So we think we have nothing to worry about, and we set up the Earth Boxes with mulch covers. These boxes are great-wheeled, with a staking set that comes with its own netting. We decide that there is no problem in leaving the boxes out. Here are some photos of us putting the boxes together. Here's Anne

calling the Earth Box folks for some advice.
Turns out we didn't need it-we got them up and working in no time, and Anne planted the tomato plants we bought at the
Teatown Plant Sale.And here's what happened. Something ate through the cover-and left the tomato plants alone! Netting and duct tape to the rescue! So far, so good. Since the boxes are on wheels, we can wheel them around the property to follow

the sun. Let's hope this works and we don't wind up with a $64 tomato!
And that is one persistent something or other to eat through that mulch cover. Sheesh!
The cover has seen better days-we keep meaning to replace it.