Day I’ve lost count

We were sitting on the porch last week when I looked up at the skylights and saw—-well it looked like hundreds but it was probably only about 20–stink bugs.

They are quite disgusting, and I couldn’t help thinking, oh great. Another  plague.

McHale to the rescue!

I won’t even begin to guess how many of these uninvited guests we had, but it was a lot.

And of course, every plague has it’s price of removal.

But McHale was here on Monday, and although we’re still picking up the bodies, both dead and some barely alive, it was worth every penny.

And now, on to the dryer! The steam valve (who knew we even had a steam valve?) is running non-stop and wetting the clothes instead of drying them. Tomorrow it’s time to call Berger’s and find the number for the Electrolux repairman.

Happy self-quarantining everyone!


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