Sick again? Yes, again.

So this semester I've been sick more than any other semester since I started teaching in Spring, 1985.  I lost TWO WEEKS to two different stomach viruses, one more virulent than the other.  And I'm starting to think that, at my age! I need to take really really good care of myself.

I'm feeling at loose ends, behind and not caught up in anything except my coursework at Princeton Theological Seminary-two courses down and four to go for my Certifcate in Theology and Ministry-sounds good, doesn't it?

Plus there's band practice at Mike Risko Music School-yes, my "bluegrass band" meets every Monday night.

And I'm still working-counting the days till the semester is over.  Last class, May 6th, followed by finals.

And as we say in Brooklyn, "so how's by you?"


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